Discussion: Timing

Have you gotten in trouble for being late? Have you had burned chicken for dinner before? Have you ever laughed about something you remembered when it was not the right time to laugh? Have you heard about what risks are associated with premature birth? What is the right time to be right with God? All… Continue reading Discussion: Timing

Discussion: Diligence

Who succeeds in a competition? Who succeeds in finances? Who succeeds in business? Why do you think diligence is important? Why not just work really really hard? What makes diligence unique? “”-proverbs 10:4-5 -Ezra 2009/04/28

Discussion: Pleasing

Think of a meal you eat at home that isn’t fantastic, bit you don’t dislike either. It’s just ‘eh’. Now think of your favorite meal. Something you really enjoy. How do you feel after those meals? Is there a difference? 2008/04/21

Discussion: Humble

How do you appreciate those who make sure your needs are met. What do you feel like when someone always has to be first or interrupts others? Do you have difficulty dealing with a person who you know thinks they are better than everyone else? What should you do? Is it tough when you get… Continue reading Discussion: Humble

Discussion: Happy

Are you a happy person? Why? What makes you decide to be glad if so? Is there a logical reason for you to be happy? Have you met others that are always bummed or depressed and have been through the same stuff as you? Does your heart ache? Why? Is there something that you won’t… Continue reading Discussion: Happy

Discussion: Fury

Fury: Strength or violence in action. What makes you furious? What good can come of fury? Have you heard of the phrase ‘blind fury’? What is the difference between anger and fury? God can have fury when implementing judgement and wrath. Isaiah 66:15 Man has fury when betrayed and overwhelmed with jealousy. Proverbs 27:4 2009/03/24

Discussion: Forever

God’s love endures forever. What has been the longest relationship where you have been/felt loved? What is the longest period of time you have loved another person? Why did this not last longer? (life limits, my attitude changed, the person I felt love for changed their feelings, or one of us may have had to… Continue reading Discussion: Forever

Discussion: Bored

What is boring? What is interesting? What makes things interesting? Is music interesting? What kind of music do you like? Why? Can music be boring? How? Can your relationship with God get boring? What would make it more of an engaging relationship? What might you be doing (or not doing) to allow it to get… Continue reading Discussion: Bored

Discussion: Popularity

What makes someone popular? What causes a popular person to lose their popularity? What earns respect for a person? Have you been hated for a belief you had? Was Jesus popular? Was he always popular? What caused people to turn on him, in your point of view? Have you been guilty of being quiet about… Continue reading Discussion: Popularity

Discussion: Authorities

What should you do when people are in charge that you disagree with? What does it mean to submit to authority? Why would God want us to submit to an authority that did not honor god? Should we do whatever we are told no matter what? What types of things are not ok to do… Continue reading Discussion: Authorities

Discussion: Delight

Does God delight in your way? Do you look for God’s hand when you stumble? If you don’t reach for God’s hand, you will fall. God is like a father and we are litle toddlers who stumble from time to time. But he is near us and offering his hand to us. Reach out to… Continue reading Discussion: Delight

Discussion: Funk

Have you been in a funk? What is the funk? How can you get out of the funk? Why do you end up in the funk? Does God allow the funk for a reason? Who knows about Jonah’s funk? What did Jonah do to rid himself of the funk? “”-Jonah 2 2008/12/2

Discussion: Power

What do you do with power? Is or better to honor God with your power or to not take sides? Do you gave the power to make a choice that is unpopular, but godly? 2 Chronicles 14:2-6 Asa had power as king, and removed idols and things that dishonored God from his kingdom. What do… Continue reading Discussion: Power

Discussion: Fools

What is a fool? Someone who thinks/lives as though there is no God. Can you not be a fool without God’s help? If you have decided to live for sinful activities, what might you find convenient to believe about God’s existence? If you truly believe in God, what might you think about your thoughts and… Continue reading Discussion: Fools

Discussion: Light

Describe light. What is it like without light? How is God like light? “”-1 John 1:5-7 Are you in the light? Are there areas of darkness you need to get away from and disassociate yourself from? Let’s pray for God to show us to his light. 2008/12/30

Discussion: Cold

How does it feel to be really cold? What if you had no where to be warm? What if you had no jacket, and was homeless? Did you notice gol cold it felt if you were outside this morning, if only to walk from house to car? Are there people with needs around you that… Continue reading Discussion: Cold

Discussion: Faithful

Are you faithful? Have you noticed God’s faithfulness? If you died standing up for God, would God take care of you? If you let god down, would his faithfulness change toward you? 2 Thessalonians 2:11-13

Discussion: Honor

What is honor? Who do you honor? What do you honor? How do you show honor? “”-Exodus 20:12 (honor parents) “”-Romans 13:1 (submit to authority) “”-Acts 5:28-29 (obey God over men) 2008-11-18

Discussion: Pray

When do you pray? Why do you pray? Where do you pray? What do you pray for? If God knows everything, why pray? Is prayer just to get stuff from God? “”-matthew 6:5-15 Jesus shows us an example of a model prayer. What parts of that prayer are you missing? 2008-11-11

Discussion: Sacriledge

What is sacriledge? What would be the worst thing one could do to damage their relationship with God? Have you felt so guilty that you felt embarrassed to come back to God? Have you felt like God wouldn’t want you? What kind of person does God not love? He loves everyone, I mean everyone. He… Continue reading Discussion: Sacriledge

Discussion: Devotion

In what ways do you think devotion is best shown? Can you be devoted to something bad? Have you ever claimed to be devoted to someone or something but not shown it? What is evidence of someone’s devotion? What are you devoted to? What should you be devoted to, but aren’t. There was a man… Continue reading Discussion: Devotion

Discussion: Correction

Do authorities seem to pick on you a lot? What have you been responsible for? What is your level of self esteem? Describe a time when you failed: What were the consequences? Describe a time when you impressed: What were the consequences? “…”-Proverbs 15:32-33 2008-10-14

Discussion: Parents

What do you imagine it’s like to be a parent? What do you think the best part about being a parent probably is? What do you imagine the worst part in being a parent might be? What is difficult for you to deal with as a child of your parent? What do you plan to… Continue reading Discussion: Parents

Discussion: Decisions

Do you have difficulty making decisions? What decisions are you trying to make right now? How do you know when you have considered a decision long enough to make a wise decision, without procrastinating? Could others describe you as a perfectionist? A procrastinator? Could others say you are not decisive? If you have decided to… Continue reading Discussion: Decisions

Discussion: Rescue

Have you ever saved someone from danger? Have you warned someone about a hazard? Describe a time when you were in trouble, or may have been severely harmed if not for someone saving you. Is there someone in danger now, that you need to help? What is a good way to approach someone when they… Continue reading Discussion: Rescue

Discussion: Dating

Is it okay to ditch your friends because you have a g/b-friend now? How do you know when you are being too obsessive in a relationship? What does the Bible say about dating? How should you let someone know that you like them? Is it okay to kiss people when you are not officially even… Continue reading Discussion: Dating

Discussion: Etiquette

Is it cool to date your x’s best friend? Is it cool to date your best friend’s x? Read 1 Cor 13:5 2008/09/02

Discussion: Abuse

Have you been hurt by words? Have you been hurt physically? Have you hurt another in some way? What should you do when you are hurt? How should you adress a hurt when the person hurting you denies it? What would be a good way for someone to approach you if you had hurt them?… Continue reading Discussion: Abuse

Discussion: Fatigue

Have you been tired recently? What makes you feel tired? Would you feel guilty if you were to take a break? Why? Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. What if you have a hard… Continue reading Discussion: Fatigue

Discussion: Duplicity

Have you ever met someone who claims to be something they are not? Have you ever acted a certain way to be accepted, even though it wasn’t really you? How do we know when someone has integrity or not? Have you ever heard the phrase “you know a tree by it’s fruit”? What does that… Continue reading Discussion: Duplicity

Discussion: Priorities

Are your parents divorced or do you know someone who’s parents are? Have you ever failed a class? Have you ever lost a friend because of your own bad attitude or poor choices? Have you ever felt embarrassed about your faith in God or acted like the people around you even when you knew it… Continue reading Discussion: Priorities

Discussion: Restore

Describe a time when you felt exhausted? (Emotionally, Physically, or Spiritually) When you are tired, sometimes you just want to rest, and get your strength back. You need direction. If you don’t put thought into what you are given direction by when you are weak, something else will take God’s place of influence in your… Continue reading Discussion: Restore

Discussion: Work

What work do you have to do? What are your responsibilities? Why is work tough? “So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.” -(NIV) Genesis 3:23 Is it God’s design that work should be hard? What is God’s work? “By the seventh… Continue reading Discussion: Work

Discussion: Healing

Does Jesus still heal people? Why does Jesus heal people? Why wouldn’t God heal someone? “”-Matthew 8:1-4 Why wouldn’t Jesus want the leper to tell anyone? Notice how the story referrs to healing as being made clean? What is it about healing that is like cleaning? Do you pray for healing and feel like it… Continue reading Discussion: Healing