May 31st

I read 1 Corinthians 3:

Don’t think like the world does. Stop fighting with each other. Your body is God’s temple. Don’t destroy it. Embrace God‘s wisdom, even though you may be considered fools by this world.

(archived audio)

I listened to (Week 16, Day 79) of the Immerse reading plan.

Revelation 17:

A woman, waters, and a beast represent kingdoms that will give their authority to a central figure that blasphemes God.

Revelation 18:

Babylon falls in one hour and many people mourn the loss of such a great customer to their businesses and industries. The city is judged for taking the lives of God’s prophets, and people’s bodies and souls.

Revelation 19:1-10:

The 24 elders and the 4 living beings fell down and worshiped God and prepared for the wedding feast of the Lamb. They reaffirmed that only God should be worshiped.