May 17th

Today I read 2 Kings 1:

A King fell and was recovering in his bed from his injuries, so he sent for prophets of Baal to find out whether or not he would recover, but God spoke to Elijah to intercept and answer the Kings request for a prophet to say that the king would never recover, he would die in that bed. The king sent a military troop to forcibly command Elijah to come and present himself to the king three separate times, but only the third group came with fear and respect for God’s power, which was used to call fire from heaven to incinerate the first two companies of men who came for Elijah. God told Ejijah that he should go with the third group and spare their lives. The king was told by Elijah that he should not have requested the counsel of the prophets of Baal-zebub rather than the LORD, and that he will die in his bed, and then the king died there.

(Archived audio)

16 Week Immerse Audio (Week 14, Day 69) link May not work yet.

So I listened to the 8 week Podcast (Week 7, Day 35) which should cover today (John 7-9) and tomorrow’s readings. (John 10-12)

John 7:

Jesus avoided going to Judea, where His death was being plotted. He went behind them secretly though, and then later taught in the synagogue. The Pharisees got angry at Him.

John 8:

Jesus refuses to condemn an adulteress, and tells her not to sin anymore. Jesus condemns the Pharisees and calls then sons of the devil and admits He is God, so they try to stone him, but He disappears.

John 9:

Jesus heals a blind man and the miracle becomes the topic of heated debate, because Pharisees think that it was sinful of Jesus to heal on the Sabbath, while others think that it proves Jesus is a prophet, or possibly the Messiah. Jesus points out that the Pharisees are in greater error because they are spiritually blind, but claim they can see.

John 10:

Jesus teaches that He is the good shepherd, and the Pharisees try again to stone Him for blasphemy, claiming to be God. Jesus explains that God said to certain leaders of the people that they are gods, so why call it blasphemy for Him to call Himself the son of God? He also points out that they don’t need to believe Him unless He carries out His Father’s work.

John 11:

Jesus resurrected Lazarus and shocked everyone by the miracle. The Pharisees got very serious about arresting Jesus and so He and His disciples stayed in another area for a while. The leaders publicly declared that Jesus was now a wanted man.

John 12:

Jesus came to Bethany and was anointed with expensive perfume. Later He went to Jerusalem and rode on a donkey’s colt while people celebrated His arrival. Lazarus was also there, and many people believed in Jesus because of Lazarus’ resurrection. Jesus clarified publicly that trusting in Him was trusting in God, and that He was going to die. Jesus was troubled because of His impending death, but knew He would defeat the purpose of His whole mission if He asked to be relieved of it, so He asked for God to be glorified, and God the father replied audibly to His public prayer, for the benefit of the public. Many still did not believe in Jesus even after all of that.