May 22nd

(Archived audio) Today’s Chapter reading was

2 Kings 5:

Elisha healed Naaman of his leprosy to show that there is a God in Israel, and refused the gifts he offered, but Gehazi secretly ran after Naaman to deceptively accept the gifts Naaman offered, and was punished, getting leprosy himself, because Elisha knew what he had done.

Immerse reading was (Week 15, Day 72) and read John 18-21.

John 18:

Jesus and His disciples went to an olive grove they had been to before, and some men came to arrest Jesus. Jesus asked who they were looking for, and said “I Am he”, which caused them to fall to the ground. He asked that his disciples not be also taken into custody, since they were only coming for Him. Peter denied Jesus when individuals asked him if he knew Jesus. Jesus was questioned by the high priest about what He was teaching. He answered that He taught publicly in the temple and the synagogues, and he should ask those who heard Him, so they slapped His face. Then He was sent to Pilate (the Roman Governor) to be tried and executed.

John 19:

Jesus was whipped and people yelled for Him to be crucified, even though the Roman Governor didn’t believe that He should be crucified. So he sent Jesus to be crucified. Jesus asked a disciple to take care of His mother for Him and died on the cross, without His legs being broken as the two others being crucified had done to them. A secret disciple asked to take Jesus’ body and put it in a tomb.

John 20:

Mary found the tomb open early on Sunday morning. She told Peter and another disciple about it and they ran to check out the tomb. They believed and went home. Later angels appeared and asked Mary why she was crying, and then she turned and saw Jesus, but didn’t recognize who He was until He spoke to her. Jesus also appeared to the disciples and taught them to believe and receive the Holy Spirit, and did other miracles that were not written down.

John 21:

Jesus appeared in shore while some disciples were fishing without any caught. He instructed them to throw their net on the right side of the boat, and they caught 153 large fish. He made breakfast for them and asked Peter if he loved Him three times. Then He told Peter about how he would be martyred, and Peter was curious about how the disciple Jesus loved would also die eventually, but Jesus wouldn’t tell him. Jesus did so many other miracles that they would not be able to be recorded even if they tried to.